Webinar with Shopify April 27, 2017, 1pm – 2pm
We have an awesome webinar coming up this week, Thursday, April 27 from 1pm – 2pm EDT.
We will further our discussions about Thriving in an Amazon World and how to compete with goliath-sized eCommerce companies. There are cost-effective business model changes you can implement into your eCommerce store to boost your sales and competitive advantages that we would love to share.
We will be joined by Shopify to enhance the breadth and value of the session with their vast eCommerce and marketing expertise offering insights about their platform and additional, advanced and modern strategies & tools to gain new customers and win the eCommerce game against the Amazons in the industry.
Register Here! https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4374892277557096195
Session Description:
Growing an eCommerce business with intense competition from behemoths like Amazon is more challenging than ever. Redstage has identified and will share some of the common key business model elements of successful retailers, and Shopify Plus will share the tools your eCommerce business needs to stay top of mind with the consumer. This session will explore various aspects on how merchants keep their customers away from Amazon and help continue to gain new ones.
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